

Subtle Matters of Course

six artists * six perspectives * six exhibitions * six times virtual

“Subtle Matters of Course”. The exhibition series portrays contexts, perspectives and realities of life of artists with a Jewish background and a link to Germany and Europe. Their exploration of the thematic area “Home Europe” poses questions such as: “what does Home mean” ? “what is Europe” ? “what is self-evident” ? In this context, home is often a construct and touches on so many things – such as feelings, smells, habits and traditions, associated with a fixed place. And what is “homeless”?

Six exhibitions. Six different perspectives. Six three-dimensional presentations: users can visit the exhibitions and move around within the respective spaces from a “first-person perspective”. The arrangement of art and space can be experienced on the internet with mouse and keyboard. Six artists present their works in new digital perspectives to be discovered. Enjoy, currently not suitable for mobile devices (smartphone, tablet).

Out and about on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) ? Alternatively, make use of our PanoRama tours. You will find the link for each exhibition in the respective “Details” section.

Home away from Home


“As I am from Israel, my home landscape and culture is far away from mountains and snow. Nevertheless, I feel magically drawn to the mountains. For the past eight years, I’ve spent my winters chasing that pull and finding a home in the mountains. I have found that these landscapes touch me deeply, but also that the human factor is the real thing, which makes me feel at home. Through skiing and photography, I’ve met incredible people who have taken me on unique journeys to the mountains, giving me a sense of home as well. Home is where I come from, but it can also be many other places at the same time. Through my photographs I want to inspire people to meet each other, make new acquaintances, experience our beautiful nature, feel and understand home.”

Details …

Daniel (* 1989) was born to a small town in northern Israel. He started skiing when he was 13 and began taking photos when he was 17. He soon turned his hobby into a profession. For the last eight years he has been traveling the world and working as a photographer, especially for outdoor and mountain sports. Today Daniel lives in a small desert town in Israel called “Mitzpe Ramon”, spending his time between winters in Europe and summers in Israel.

[ External Links * Social Media ]

* Links to external sites, for whose content, data protection and operation the respective providers are responsible.

Start the exhibition: click on the image above or here!

Out and about on a mobile device ? Start the alternative PanoRama tour here!

For best viewing, we recommend modern versions of popular internet browsers. Currently, the exhibition can be visited with desktop browsers, mobile devices are not yet officially supported. Clicking on the respective link opens the exhibition in a new window. The complete loading / the complete start takes some time depending on the internet connection … please wait 🙂 . We recommend full screen mode for a true exhibition experience.

Controls / Navigation:

  • The respective exhibition can be controlled with the mouse and the arrow keys:
    • Mouse: rotate + up / down
    • Arrow key up: move forward
    • Arrow key down: move back
    • Arrow key left: move to the left
    • Arrow key right: move to the right
  • Full screen mode of the exhibition: click button at the bottom right edge
  • Exit / leave the exhibition: close browser window

Home Europe in 3 Keywords


In his photo series Jan presents a wide variety of people – friends, colleagues, acquaintances and their connotations with the topic “Home Europe”. The protagonists of his pictures were asked to express in three simple words what they associate with the term “Home Europa”. This resulted in an exciting, diversified and, above all, future-oriented picture of Europe and the people who live there, their feelings, wishes, hopes and dreams.

Details …

Jan Feldman lives and works in Berlin. In his work as an artist and photographer, he is primarily concerned with portraits and stories that only real life can tell in such an interesting way. By doing so, he meets a wide variety of people, immerses himself in foreign worlds and allows us to experience the world again and again from new perspectives.

With his video series “Jewersity”, which illustrated the diversity of Jewish life in Germany, he already drew attention to himself in the context of the festival year “1700 Years of Jewish Life in Germany”.

[ External Links * Social Media ]

* Links to external sites, for whose content, data protection and operation the respective providers are responsible.

Start the exhibition: click on the image above or here!

Out and about on a mobile device ? Start the alternative PanoRama tour here!

For best viewing, we recommend modern versions of popular internet browsers. Currently, the exhibition can be visited with desktop browsers, mobile devices are not yet officially supported. Clicking on the respective link opens the exhibition in a new window. The complete loading / the complete start takes some time depending on the internet connection … please wait 🙂 . We recommend full screen mode for a true exhibition experience.

Controls / Navigation:

  • The respective exhibition can be controlled with the mouse and the arrow keys:
    • Mouse: rotate + up / down
    • Arrow key up: move forward
    • Arrow key down: move back
    • Arrow key left: move to the left
    • Arrow key right: move to the right
  • Full screen mode of the exhibition: click button at the bottom right edge
  • Exit / leave the exhibition: close browser window

(r)evolving suspensions


“My own biographical connection-Israeli-Iraqi-Jewish, living in Germany, performing art in the European context, has often made me feel like a statue, an exotic artifact being viewed in a museum, or like a political discussion taken out of context. So it seems that Europe can never be a “home” for me, because I will always be an étrangère, a splash of color on the picture of a museum object. However, when I reflect on the evolution of today’s “global” society, I ask myself whether one can still aspire to a “homeland” at all? Or would it be more fitting to explore the idea of becoming foreign while challenging for different reasons the boundaries drawn by definitions?”

In her work (r)evolving suspensions, Liat Grayver deals with tensions that arise between questions of identity, the quest for belonging, and alienation.

Details …

Liat Grayver (* 1986, Kfar Yehezkel, Israel) is a Berlin-based interdisciplinary painter and media artist who explores methods to redefine one of the most primal forms of art – painting – in today’s technology-based age. She is an active member of “SALOON – Network for Women of Berlin’s Art Scene” and an associate art researcher in the program “Epistemologies of Aesthetic Practices” at ETH Zurich.

In 2022 she co-founded the group “EACVA – Embodied Agents in Contemporary Visual Art”, a multidisciplinary association of artists, philosophers, psychologists and computer/robotic engineers. They are dedicated to exploring the use of robots as interactive painting tools and how this affects the attribution of creativity, authorship, and agency to artificial systems.

[ External Links * Social Media ]

* Links to external sites, for whose content, data protection and operation the respective providers are responsible.

Start the exhibition: click on the image above or here!

Out and about on a mobile device ? Start the alternative PanoRama tour here!

For best viewing, we recommend modern versions of popular internet browsers. Currently, the exhibition can be visited with desktop browsers, mobile devices are not yet officially supported. Clicking on the respective link opens the exhibition in a new window. The complete loading / the complete start takes some time depending on the internet connection … please wait 🙂 . We recommend full screen mode for a true exhibition experience.

Controls / Navigation:

  • The respective exhibition can be controlled with the mouse and the arrow keys:
    • Mouse: rotate + up / down
    • Arrow key up: move forward
    • Arrow key down: move back
    • Arrow key left: move to the left
    • Arrow key right: move to the right
  • Full screen mode of the exhibition: click button at the bottom right edge
  • Exit / leave the exhibition: close browser window

My new Home – My Europe


“I see my life in Europe – like coming home. It is my everlasting longing for my homeland that has built my new home here. I love these longings, they are a part of me. They are so diverse, though often elusive – just like this new place. However, I don’t see any conflict in this, because I like these differences, the apparent opposites, this unique mixture. That is why my photo collection combines diversity. The paintings and installations, the neon works and my family are one – fragments of my new home – my Europe.”

Details …

Alona Harpaz is a contemporary artist. Since the late 1990s, she has focused on painting and exhibits her work internationally. In recent years, she has expanded her artistic repertoire to include installations, video art and films. Alona has also gained experience as a curator of internationally important exhibitions. In 2013 she founded “Circle1” – a platform for art and culture in Berlin, where she works as an art director. Circle1 is a venue for contemporary, Israeli and international art and an artist-run gallery. The platform plays an important role in the Berlin art scene and is home to many prominent Israeli artists working in Berlin.

[ External Links * Social Media ]

* Links to external sites, for whose content, data protection and operation the respective providers are responsible.

Start the exhibition: click on the image above or here!

Out and about on a mobile device ? Start the alternative PanoRama tour here!

For best viewing, we recommend modern versions of popular internet browsers. Currently, the exhibition can be visited with desktop browsers, mobile devices are not yet officially supported. Clicking on the respective link opens the exhibition in a new window. The complete loading / the complete start takes some time depending on the internet connection … please wait 🙂 . We recommend full screen mode for a true exhibition experience.

Controls / Navigation:

  • The respective exhibition can be controlled with the mouse and the arrow keys:
    • Mouse: rotate + up / down
    • Arrow key up: move forward
    • Arrow key down: move back
    • Arrow key left: move to the left
    • Arrow key right: move to the right
  • Full screen mode of the exhibition: click button at the bottom right edge
  • Exit / leave the exhibition: close browser window



“Due to my biographical imprint, I have dealt with both Jewish and Russian-Orthodox visual culture; they practice a polar approach to dealing with images. While there is a strict prohibition of images in Judaism, icons are kissed, worshipped and venerated in Orthodox Christianity. Both religions, however, attribute incredible power to the image – a phenomenon that can be found in all cultures. I locate my work in this polarity of image worship and image prohibition – I try to depict the unrepresentable. Sometimes the elements of my paintings are sharply defined, sometimes they dissolve into the material. In this way they negotiate the inside and outside, the demarcation between object and subject or nature and culture, but also from Eastern and Western Europe.”

Details …

Anna Nero is a visual artist based in Frankfurt am Main. She was born in Moscow in 1988, moved to Germany in 1995 as the child of Jewish-Russian contingent refugees. Anna first studied painting at the Kunsthochschule Mainz and later switched to the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, where she graduated with honors in 2015. She then began a two-year master student program with Heribert C. Ottersbach, which she completed in 2017. In the winter semester 2019/2020 and in the summer semester 2022, she took up teaching positions at the Kunsthochschule Mainz. Anna is interested in possibilities of representation: when does color become figurative or spatial? With the help of painting, she approaches profane and sacred things.

[ External Links * Social Media ]

* Links to external sites, for whose content, data protection and operation the respective providers are responsible.

Start the exhibition: click on the image above or here!

Out and about on a mobile device ? Start the alternative PanoRama tour here!

For best viewing, we recommend modern versions of popular internet browsers. Currently, the exhibition can be visited with desktop browsers, mobile devices are not yet officially supported. Clicking on the respective link opens the exhibition in a new window. The complete loading / the complete start takes some time depending on the internet connection … please wait 🙂 . We recommend full screen mode for a true exhibition experience.

Controls / Navigation:

  • The respective exhibition can be controlled with the mouse and the arrow keys:
    • Mouse: rotate + up / down
    • Arrow key up: move forward
    • Arrow key down: move back
    • Arrow key left: move to the left
    • Arrow key right: move to the right
  • Full screen mode of the exhibition: click button at the bottom right edge
  • Exit / leave the exhibition: close browser window

One’s own in the Foreign

Sascha Neroslavsky

Alexander Neroslavsky grew up in the Soviet Union, a country that in principle one was not allowed to leave. The influence of media and culture from other countries was strictly controlled. Nevertheless, as a Jew, he remained somewhat of a stranger in the Soviet Union as well. When he moved to Germany with his family in 1995, he felt it was a liberation. He used this freedom to travel to Italy, Spain, France and Portugal, for example. He was also a stranger there, so to speak – but this perspective, as a foreigner and European at the same time, gave him a very special approach to the people and the places. Through the artistic exploration of that, he gradually approached Europe and made it his home.

Sascha Neroslavsky @ VR IN FRAMES
Details …

Alexander Neroslavsky (* 1955, Moscow) is a graphic designer and photographer. He studied graphic arts at MPGU Moscow and then worked in Russia as a visual artist and designer. In 1995 he moved with his family as a contingent refugee to Frankfurt am Main, where he still lives and works today. After moving, Alexander expanded his field of activity into the digital world and now works as a graphic designer, web designer and photographer. In 2010 his photo book “MORMO / My Moscow” was published by Esefeld and Traub. For many years he has been in charge of CEEOL, one of the largest online libraries for Eastern European publishers.

[ External Links * Social Media ]

* Links to external sites, for whose content, data protection and operation the respective providers are responsible.

Start the exhibition: click on the image above or here!

Out and about on a mobile device ? Start the alternative PanoRama tour here!

For best viewing, we recommend modern versions of popular internet browsers. Currently, the exhibition can be visited with desktop browsers, mobile devices are not yet officially supported. Clicking on the respective link opens the exhibition in a new window. The complete loading / the complete start takes some time depending on the internet connection … please wait 🙂 . We recommend full screen mode for a true exhibition experience.

Controls / Navigation:

  • The respective exhibition can be controlled with the mouse and the arrow keys:
    • Mouse: rotate + up / down
    • Arrow key up: move forward
    • Arrow key down: move back
    • Arrow key left: move to the left
    • Arrow key right: move to the right
  • Full screen mode of the exhibition: click button at the bottom right edge
  • Exit / leave the exhibition: close browser window

Subtle Matters of Course


until December 31, 2022
3D exhibition
admission free

The exhibition series “Subtle Matters of Course * Home.Europe.” is supported by #2021 JLID – 321-2021: 1700 Jahre Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland e.V. with funds from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs; furthermore also by own contributions and own funds of the FVKS (Förderverein Kulturstadt Görlitz-Zgorzelec e.V.).